I once called my teacher an alien. If I were to re-do it all, I’d do it again.

I once called my teacher an alien. If I were to re-do it all, I’d do it again.

Shocker. This delinquent hasn’t learnt his ways. Nope, if you’ve followed my life, you know I’ve been a model citizen. In fact, I don’t even dare to litter or jaywalk.

Where’s this coming from?
I was once told to remember the source of my water. But what happens when the water is dirty? Or that the source doesn’t remember you?

When I was in Primary School, my math teacher called me out to the front of the class, claiming that I did not use a ruler for my lines on my homework. (I did, the ruler was dented) And so, I told the truth: I did use a ruler.

SMACK! The cane hit my hand so hard I cried in front of the entire class. I was being punished for telling the truth, simply because they had decided that I was lying.

I held true to my principles and yelled in pain “I USED A RULER!”

SMACK! I got hit again. It was clear that the truth was no longer good enough for the old woman. So I did the only thing any other rational kid would do. LIE.

“I DIDN’T USE A RULER!” The caning stopped, it was all over.

In secondary school, I was always excited for IT class. I played around with Word and Excel at home and… well… I excelled at it. It was fun to run around class helping my friends out where they were stuck. It felt right. I was in my element.

At the end of one of those lessons, I was called to stay back in the lab where everyone else left for the next class. “Wei Hao, why are you being so disruptive in class?”

What? So, instead of encouraging me to pursue my interests, I was being called out for “being disruptive”. That was a deep punch in the gut.

As with all other schools, bullying was pretty much left unchecked. In Literature class, the harassment was so bad that I had to bury my head in my arms.

Guess what? I was called out for “Sleeping in Class” and punished accordingly. I got zero help from my situation, and it only got worse.

This was the same teacher that I later called an “ALIEN”, in an effort to gain some street-cred from my classmates. Of course, she had the hearing of a bat and called me out once again. This time, she was teary-eyed and demanded an explanation before sending me to the discipline office, disrupting the entire class for an entire period.

These are just some of the stories I have had in my youth. Emotionally incompetent teachers with the self-confidence of a Mimosa Plant was supposed to teach me something about life.

I thought I was done with all that in Secondary School. And yet, even in Junior College, when I broke down during a consultation. I was avoided like the plague later on even after graduation.

Without facebook help, none of them would even remember that I exist, or wronged me in any way. These types of teachers STILL exist in the education system by the way, completely oblivious to students’ problems whilst being overworked by nonsensical tasks meted out by HODs.

I’m not sure what the education system’s learning goals were. Perhaps these were in their plans all along:

  1. It is okay to lie in order to get out of trouble
  2. Nobody cares about your passion
  3. Nobody cares about your emotions
  4. You’re just a zero in a sea of zeros and ones

And yes. If I could do it all again, I would. I wouldn’t have learnt those lessons otherwise.

Top 3 Things Apex Legends Needs to be the Best BR Out there

Sure, I gave Apex Legends a shining 9/10 in my previous review. Almost a month has passed since then, and the issues are starting to surface.

The graphics are awesome, the audio is fantastic, I spotted the enem- I see my desktop wallpaper. Erm… No biggie, I’ll just start up the game again and re…connect? Where’s the reconnect button? It’s 2019 and sure, internet connections are more stable than ever. But clearly, your game is not.

Sure, it makes the situation much simpler as a developer to just remove a player from the game in case of DCs. But it is clearly more frustrating than ever as a player who evidently didn’t do anything to deserve the boot.

Here’s the suggestion: When a player DCs, kill the player and allow teammates to grab their banner. Only allow the player respawn after he reconnects. Is that too hard to code? I certainly hope not.

2. Where is the friggin’ leaderboard!?
Apex Legends is fantastic with stats on the player board but seriously, it’s literally a nightmare for any esports team to scout the best players for streaming/competition.

There is no rank system or another other sense of progression in the game. Lootboxes are fine and all, but once in a while people want to know where they stand. This is made worse since a team of newbies with below 10 kills are currently matched up with players clocking 2000+ kills. Is there even a balanced matchmaking system? Or does everyone get plopped into the same lobby without discretion?

3. Custom Lobbies
I get it, you want players to only queue for one mode so that lobbies are filled fast. But now that your player base is off the roof, perhaps start implementing custom lobbies.

Otherwise, how would any organization be able to do any Apex Tournaments that aren’t lame races with the large RNG element of matchmaking?

Organizations literally want to do competitions but are scratching their heads hard on the mechanics. Twitch Rivals may have been a successful one, but as with the previous point, who’s to know if those were actually the best players at the game?


apex_legends_road_map_battle_passNowhere in the Roadmap are the things I mentioned. It’s insane that Apex has put so much care to User Experience, yet failed horrendously in making it a competitive esport.

These are the most important things to prioritize instead of adding more content right now.